List of products by brand XerJoff - Velvet Collection

Xerjoff "V"

Velvet or simply "V" is a collection of niche fragrances from the Xerjoff perfume house, world renowned as a manufacturer of high-quality luxury perfumes. "V" perfumes are distinguished by an original concept, unusual bottles, bright personality and amazing richness of sound. Velvet fragrances organically combine high Italian art and perfumery traditions of the Middle East, very gently and carefully adapted to the tastes and preferences of the European consumer. Choosing a Xerjoff Velvet perfume, you can be sure of your uniqueness - these complex, magnificently unfolding and highly status compositions will brilliantly complement your spectacular image. If you imagine for a moment that the rainbow has a scent, this scent is likely to be one of the Xerjoff perfume products.

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